Folium in Python : Kasir Pintar’s Data

Adam WB
3 min readFeb 12, 2019


source :

This is my first story in medium. Everyday I work as an android developer at Kasir Pintar.

But one day, I was curious and idle about the data on this startup. Therefore I am trying now to ‘play’ with the data.

The thing that is very easy to do is to play EDA (exploratory data analysis) on that data. But here I will not provide an explanation of how to process the data (because this is confidential data)

Here I will provide information about visualizing the data on the map using FOLIUM in python

what is folium?

taken from this article

Folium is a powerful Python library that helps you create several types of Leaflet maps. The fact that the Folium results are interactive makes this library very useful for dashboard building. To get an idea, just zoom/click around on the next map to get an impression

well, that was fun right ! very attractive and colorful visualization

Now let’s begin

So this is very easy to set up the code for this visualization

first we need geo json file for the country ( I use Indonesia geo json map, thanks to for providing this sources )

after we get this geo json file we need to prepare our data. So this data is only contains 2 columns. First column is the name of the ‘city’ and second is ‘total users’ ( pandas format )

First we need to import the library

import folium

after that we need to call the geo json file

that’s my code in jupyter notebook

location = [-2 , 118] is latitute and longitute for region of Indonesia

You can change this for any location if you want

Then we need to set attributes on folium to initialize map

What is choropleth?

wikipedia :

A choropleth map (from Greek χῶρος “area/region” and πλῆθος “multitude”) is a thematic map in which areas are shaded or patterned in proportion to the measurement of the statistical variable being displayed on the map, such as population density or per-capita income.

let’s continue ~

At first I was confused to read the documentation of folium. Until it takes about 1 hour to get enlightenment (for searching the right geo json and understand the context). So this is the explanation for some attribute:

geo_data : is for geo json data that we just call before
data : is for ‘pandas’ data for our data
columns : contains two columns ( first is the key for bonding in geojson attribute, second is the values on the map )
key_on : is attribute on json that we use to bond with first columns
and the others is just same as the name

Then we need to add to our map model (which is the ‘m’ varible)

Now, for the final round ! We call the map

So easy, right ? now our visualization looks awesome and colorful

So this is the end for this first story, I hope I can share more about my experiences especially about data, thank you

If you have any question or feedback or just want to get in touch with me, just contact me through this linkedin



Adam WB
Adam WB

Written by Adam WB

Data Engineer, sometimes do ML

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